This week in science we made videos for our future tenth grade science teacher. I recorded like 3 times and after I still didn't have the one I wanted. It took so long, I had to answer a lot of questions. We also had another marsh mellow challenge and we had to work in groups. We did one round with complete silence we had to communicate through hand gestures and the other round we could talk. My group actually did good, but every time our time ran out our pasta would always tumble down. I like doing the marsh mellow challenge because it's so fun and it shows you that all your team members have to work with you.
This week in science I learned that I understand science better then in the beginning of the year. I learned that working in a group is hard because you all have to work together and share your ideas. Also some people might not participate and that may affect your grade. I also learned that communicating with your group is very important.
I learned about independent and dependent variables all over because we had to know them for the test. I learned that biodiversity means the variety of life in the world in a particular habitat
or ecosystem.